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Thinking about doing a contest, what do we think?

mia exotic

New Member
Hi guys! I was thinking about doing a contest, but I wasnt sure how many active people would be interested. I wanted to do like a photo contest, maybe with some holiday theme? comment or message me directly if you're interested! I also wanted to do some little reptile related prize!

Hye there ! Just browse thru ths Tegu page ;) ..u want to do a contest ? Sounds great ..
Hi guys! I was thinking about doing a contest, but I wasnt sure how many active people would be interested. I wanted to do like a photo contest, maybe with some holiday theme? comment or message me directly if you're interested! I also wanted to do some little reptile related prize!


New Member
Silver Strand, CA
Hi guys! I was thinking about doing a contest, but I wasnt sure how many active people would be interested. I wanted to do like a photo contest, maybe with some holiday theme? comment or message me directly if you're interested! I also wanted to do some little reptile related prize!
I love the idea!!! Let me know if you're still interested. I'd be interested in helping you if you want. I haven't been very active but can devote more time

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