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Dogfish Head "Midas Touch Golden Elixir"


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For the very first time I was able to find this adult beverage at a local liqueur store. I must say I am very pleased with the product. All the normal signs are up to par; coloration, head, body, aroma, transparency, etc. Taste resembles that of a light IPA with a drop of honey. Goes down smooth with no sour after taste. Price is way to hefty IMO but I had to try it. 4 bottles from $12 USD!? Shew, but the history behind the elixir stays true to its name. Would I buy it again? Yes, but only if I had a whole bunch of cheap beers to wash it down with. :p

This recipe is the actual oldest-known fermented beverage in the world! Our recipe showcases the known ingredients of barley, white Muscat grapes, honey & saffron found in the drinking vessels in King Midas' tomb! Somewhere between a beer, wine and mead, this smooth, dry ale will please with Chardonnay or I.P.A. drinker alike.

9.0% abv

20 ibu

Calorie content (per 12-ounce serving): approx. 307

Tasting Notes: Honey, saffron, papaya, melon, biscuity, succulent.

Food pairing recomendations: Pan-Asian dishes, risotto, curries, baked fish and chicken.

Glass recommendation: White Wine

Comparable wine style: Sauterne Champagne

If you like our Midas Touch, try our Zwaanend'ale - it has some similar honey characteristics! Of course, you'll have to come to Delaware during the 2006 375th Anniversary celebration because the beer is limited release (only in Delaware, only in 2006!)

More on Midas... His golden touch may have conferred fabulous wealth on King Midas, but he nearly starved to death when even his food and drink were converted into the precious metal. The well-known legend is based on an actual ruler of the ancient kingdom of Phrygia in central Turkey around 700 B.C. Under a huge mound at the capital of Gordion, a University of Pennsylvania Museum expedition in 1957 excavated an intact burial chamber which likely belonged to King Midas himself. The body of a 60-year-old male was laid out in state on a thick pile of purple and blue-dyed textiles inside a unique log coffin.

Most remarkably, the tomb held the largest Iron Age drinking set ever found--157 vessels, including a ram-headed and lion-headed situla--for preparing, serving, drinking and libating a special beverage at the funerary feast of the king. The secrets of the beverage were revealed by the new methods of Molecular Archaeology. Dr. Patrick McGovern of the Museum discovered that the residues inside the vessels belonged to a "Phrygian cocktail," which combined grape wine, barley beer and honey mead. Starting with the ancient chemical evidence, Dogfish Head Brewery "re-created" a marvelous golden elixir, truly touched by King Midas.

Here are just some of the comments made about Midas Touch by world-renown beer expert, Michael Jackson... "A wonderfully complex beer, a wonderfully delicate beer, a dangerous thing, a great drink to welcome people to a party... Fill your bath full of ice, put some bottles of Midas Touch on there a serve it in champagne flutes. Not some freak of nature, not some gimmick, it's something to be taken very seriously... It used to be wine... but King Midas touched it and turned it to gold!

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dogfish.com/brewings/Year_Round_Beers/Midas_Touch_Golden_Elixir/1/index.htm">http://www.dogfish.com/brewings/Year_Ro ... /index.htm</a><!-- m -->

CHEERS! Drink responsibly!

Tegutalk and affiliates does not endorse or condone the drinking of underage minors.


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Funny you should mention Dogfish... I'm actually drinking their "Punkin Ale" as we speak. Gotta love the pumpkin beers!

I'd also recommend trying Chateau Jiahu if you ever run into it, comes in a wine bottle, but boy is it good!

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dogfish.com/brewings/Occasional_Rarities/Chateau_Jiahu/25/index.htm">http://www.dogfish.com/brewings/Occasio ... /index.htm</a><!-- m -->


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I pretty much like everything Dogfish does, with the exception of their Raison D'Etre... not a big fan of Fort either, too much raspberry D: but everything else they brew is pretty amazing. I wish the local pubs would start carrying some of their stuff!


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I'm stoked you guys get Dogfish that far South. I've tried it all and pretty much have been pleased. Except for a few seasonal beers I still need to find. The Fort I can deal with but Raison is yuck. I hate the Indian Brown Ale for some reason. You ever been to a bar where they have the fresh hops machine and they filter the tap beer through it? It's amazing


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PuffDragon said:
I'm stoked you guys get Dogfish that far South. I've tried it all and pretty much have been pleased. Except for a few seasonal beers I still need to find. The Fort I can deal with but Raison is yuck. I hate the Indian Brown Ale for some reason. You ever been to a bar where they have the fresh hops machine and they filter the tap beer through it? It's amazing

Oh wow that sounds really awesome, unfortunately we just started getting decent beers down here. For way too long this state has been ruled by budweiser and it's ilk. We still have to go to certain stores to find the good stuff, and most bars wont touch it, but at least things are heading in the right direction haha.


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I know this is an old thread but let's talk more beers!!! Good beer I've tried latey....umm oh yeah...not big fan of samual adams but you guys should try there imperial series dooble bock and stout only four to the pack but worth the taste and buzz (after only two beers)..

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